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New School Driver Vehicle Tips: A Comprehensive Guide from Own a Car

Own a Car in Fresno is thrilled to offer valuable insights to new drivers who are getting behind the wheel for the first time. Driving is a huge responsibility, and having the right vehicle can make a world of difference in your driving experience. From safety features to fuel efficiency, we've got you covered with our top tips for new school drivers. 1. Prioritize Safety Features For new drivers, safety should be the top concern. Look for cars that have a high safety rating and are equipped with essential features like: Anti-lock braking system (ABS) Electronic stability control (ESC) Airbags [...]

New Drivers in Fresno!

Here are some tips for new drivers in Fresno, California: Follow the traffic laws: It's important to follow all traffic laws, including speed limits, stop signs, and traffic signals. Familiarize yourself with the California Driver Handbook to learn about the rules of the road and how to safely operate your vehicle. Practice driving: Before you start driving on your own, it's a good idea to get some additional practice. You can do this by taking a driving course or by having a licensed driver accompany you while you practice driving. Be aware of your surroundings: Always pay attention to what's [...]

Great Vehicle Features for Teens

Whether you are a new driver or sending your teen driver out by themselves for the first time, vehicle safety features have come a long way since you or your parents were first starting to drive. Let's take a look at some of the available features now! Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) - This technology uses radar sensors to keep your vehicle at a safe distance from the vehicle in front of you. If every car on the road had and used this technology it would nearly eliminate traffic jams due to the stop and go driving! If the car senses [...]

Teen Driver Tips

Do You Have a New Teen Driver?   The time has come to show the new driver in the house the rules of the road! Buckle up and let's go over some tips to help the ride go as smooth as possible!   First off, RELAX! Remember any stress you are feeling, they will feel it too so take a deep breath and enjoy the moment! Try to remember back to when you were learning, was there anything that stood out that you would like to do differently? Now is your chance! Be sure to have the new driver go [...]

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