

When Was the Last Time You Cleaned That?!

In this time of extreme cleanliness, we are often wiping down everything around us. But there may be a few items you never even thought about cleaning! Take a look at the list below and see how many you may have forgotten about! Doorframes, these often get overlooked but just think of how many times they get touched! Remote controls, be sure to get all of them! Cleaning supplies, such as broom handles, mops, spray bottles. We clean with them, touching them, and probably never think to wipe down the outside of them! Your cellphone and/or house phone! This one [...]

2024-02-05T16:52:47+00:00March 20th, 2020|california, car shopping, safety|

Preparing Your Car for a Virus

We have all heard to wash our hands multiple times a day, use hand sanitizer, so on and so on, and you probably have been doing just that. But have you thought about your vehicle? We go out to the grocery store pick up some items, sanitize before and after then get into our cars and go home. Most of us don't think about needing to disinfect our vehicles just as we would our homes. Here are some tips to make this a streamlined process.     Keep yourself as clean as possible. Meaning, keep sanitizing before and after going [...]

2024-02-05T16:52:47+00:00March 11th, 2020|area knowledge, safety|
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