Car Wash

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Rinseless Car Washes

Conserving water? Just don't feel like dealing with water spots after rinsing your vehicle off? Try using a rinseless wash product! Here's how: First, check to see how dirty your vehicle is. Caked with mud is not a great rinseless candidate! If you are in that situation, you just need to get the majority of the dirt/mud off first before applying the product. Many rinseless washes on the market are 1 oz to 2 gallons of water, but be sure to check the instructions on the specific product you have. The safest way to wash your car at home is [...]

Car Washing Tips!

Nice weather means long lines at the car wash! How about washing your ride yourself? Here are some tips from NAPA on the Dos and Don'ts of self-washing! Choosing the right soap. Many times you may have heard that using dish soap is the best and cheapest way, however, it is not! Maybe for your dishes, but not your car! Those powerful chemicals that cut grease and more can hurt your vehicle's paint, wax, and clear coat. There is no perfect soap for your car. You can choose which one you prefer, just make sure it is formulated for cars, [...]

2021-04-30T16:21:12+00:00April 30th, 2021|automotive knowledge, california, safety|
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