If you are looking for Covid-19 information related to Fresno, look no further! Here are some helpful links that help keep you up to date and informed with everything that is going on!

Assistance: If you are in the need of assistance in or around Fresno, the United Way 2-1-1 is an easy to remember way to obtain free and confidential information on human services. This includes things like health, food and housing support, mental health, legal assistance, youth programs, and much more. Call 211 for more information!

Food Delivery: If you are someone you know is in need of food delivery services, the city of Fresno is working with volunteers to provide these resources to people in need.

Food Delivery

Bitwise and Every Neighborhood Partnership are two organizations we know of that are helping coordinate the delivery of groceries and supplies to the elderly and sick loved ones.  The City is working on coordinating volunteers.  Some stores still offer online ordering and delivery.  You can contact Chris Rocha at Bitwise at (559) 460-7809 or email groceries@bitwiseindustries.com or Andrew Feil of Every Neighborhood Partnership at andrew@everyneighborhood.org.  We will add more information as we receive it.

The Senior Aid and Food and Resources (SAFR)

The Senior Aid for Food and Resources (SAFR) program provides senior citizens with a FREE box of groceries.  The goal of the program is to provide essential resources to seniors while reducing their risk by limiting potential exposure to the virus.  Grocery boxes can be picked up through a contact-less drive-thru method at three sites in the City of Fresno.  For more information, or to sign up visit https://fresnocovidhelp.com/SAFR/ or call (559) 621-SAFR (7237).

Want to be a volunteer? If you are looking to help out during this pandemic, Hands-On Central California may be looking for you! They have an immediate need for helpers with food delivery, grocery delivery, sorting and packing of supplies and coordinating deliveries and orders. Reach out to Hands-On Central California at :

732 N. Vans Ness Ave in Fresno, CA 93728

Phone: 559-237-3101 or Toll-Free: 866-476-7787

Email: info@handsoncentralcal.org

website: https://www.handsoncentralcal.org/


You can find more information about Fresno and Covid-19 at https://www.fresno.gov/coronavirus/